Halloween Haunted House for Cats
Happy Halloween everybody! Our humom likes to decorate for Halloween. So of course we needed our very own Halloween themed box. Cause you know, cats love boxes. Come check out our haunted house - if you dare!
A box for every season
We always have a lot of boxes around the house for the cats to rest or play in. And they can be really fun to play in - check out how much fun Ronja is having here!
Sometimes I decorate them and it's nice to have something that fits the season, now that they are on display in our living room. So since it's October this box became a haunted house. Here's some pictures of how it turned out. Oh and by the way, that's Victor inside it and not a scary ghost.
Not just for decoration
Ronja really enjoys being inside the house fishing for teaser wands. We've had some fun with it.
Some details
I used one box for the house and parts of another box for the roof. I tore off the box a bit so that it would look worn like an old house. It has a secret back exit as well. I always try to make two doors in boxes like these, so no cat will be trapped inside, while another is taunted it from the outside (cats can be jerks).
All the extras such as the lights and the bugs is just some Halloween decorations I had lying around anyway. You could simply draw it on there as well, but personally I'm not very skilled in that department. Here's a more detailed video of the haunted house.
Happy Halloween!
I hope you got inspired to make something fun for your cats this Halloween (or maybe the next one). Here's some more DIY cardboard houses we made. Happy Halloween! Mwuhaha!