How deaf cats trick hearing humans

How deaf cats trick hearing humans

23. June 2017 10 By Humom

Almost all articles about deaf cats touch on the subject of spotting that a cat is in fact deaf. This is because it can be rather tricky to catch at a first glance. Cats with disabilities are very good at adjusting to their situation by using their other senses. Most of the time deaf cats act just like all other cats. So at our house it is not uncommon that our visitors look at us and ask "are you absolutely sure your cats are deaf?"

Picture the following scenario: All felines and humans are in the living room when someone enters the door in the hall. No one can see that the door opens and someone walks in. Yet the deaf cats lifts its head and look around just as this happens. It's clear to everybody that the cat knows something happened. The humans know that someone just walked in, because they could hear the door open and close. So naturally a lot of people assume that that's the only feedback available and the cat must have picked up on it.


But the cats have a trick up their sleeve called whiskers. They have a bunch of whiskers in their face and on the back of their legs and with these they can pick up on even tiny vibrations or gusts of wind created by, for instance, a door that opens and closes. So even deaf cats are sometimes able to sense that a door opens, but it's not the sounds that they react to. It can be vibrations, air moving and even small temperature changes that they sense with their sensitive whiskers. This cute video explains what cats can do with their whiskers.



So whiskers are very important to deaf cats, as they can use them to pick up on things they can't hear. When the deaf cat reacts to something that makes a noise, it can seem like the cat can hear. The fact that hearing humans rely so much on sound, probably ads to the fact that it looks like a deaf cat can hear. Cause we don't feel vibrations etc. as well as cats do, so to us there really is only one input in this situation.

However deaf cats are not super tuned in on their surroundings  all the time. Sometimes they need to take a bath or are busy with birdwatching. So when the cat is occupied with something or taking a nap it is less likely that they will notice what is going on around them. I'd argue that if you observe a deaf cat just a bit longer that your average visit, it becomes clear that they'll completely ignore stuff that should have caught their attention right away. But I think most cats are more attentive and observant when there are strangers in their home. And that's probably why our deaf cats Ronja and Victor are so good at deceiving our guests. Our 9 year old neighbor is still positive that Ronja can hear. But the vet and this video say otherwise.

Smelly business

You may have heard the saying that loosing one ability can sharpening other senses? This goes for all animals. If you are blind, you rely more on sounds and so your hearing potentially becomes better. It's the same with deaf cats. Now I can't tell if Ronja and Victors visions are better than normal, but Victors sense of smell most certainly is. I have never had a cat so sensitive to smells as he is. And sometimes that is not a good thing for him, because humans have all sorts of smelly hair products, perfumes and the like. And he really hates that. He even dislikes the smell of tooth paste! But it also means that Victor has a very effective radar detecting what is going on around the house. That's why he knows that strangers are close by or that I'm trying to feed Ronja a snack while he sleeps. Never once have I gotten away with that and I believe he can thank his pink little nose for that.


Do deaf cats move their ears?

Another thing that tricks people into thinking a deaf cat can hear is their ears (of all things). Deaf cats don't have any purpose for their ears do they? So why move them at all? But deaf cats move their ears the same way as any other cats. My theory is that it's simply a natural reflex. They are predators with the ability to angle their ears to pinpoint exactly where their prey is at. Although a deaf cat can't actually do this, it doesn't stop them from trying. After all, their ear muscles work just fine and this is just what cat ears are designed to do - to rotate and catch sound. Maybe deaf cats move their ears even more, because they don't get the feedback they are searching for?

Here Victor is demonstrating for you that deaf cats move their ears. He is sitting on a box that has an uneven surface and so when I move a wand over it, it creates vibrations in the box and floor. Victor clearly feels this, but since it's coming from the entire surface he is sitting on, he can't figure out the direction it is coming from. That's when he moves his head and ears around - hoping to find the source of the vibrations.

This is a classic reaction from Victor when he senses something going on, but he doesn't know what it is. It makes him agitated. When something makes a lot of vibrations (like something heavy falls on to the floor) he will even go in circles around himself to make sure nothing surprises him from behind. I feel so bad for him when this happens, cause he can get really scared when he doesn't understand what's happening around him. I try to distract him with something else and then it usually passes quickly. Sorry for confusing you a bit in this video Victor - it was for science. 
Cats also use their ears to express themselves, so deaf cats actually need their ears too! So you might think that a cat can hear, because it moves its ears, but you can't really use that as an indicator.

Cats are notorious for their excellent hearing (they hear better than dogs, they just choose not to listen to humans). But even without that vital ability, they are able to fool us humans into thinking that everything is normal. Quite an awesome animal don't you think?

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