Our Facebook Page Name
You may have noticed that we changed our Facebook page name. This is not the first time I have had to do this. Read our story of the page title struggle here.
The Danish cat page
It all started back in 2014, shortly after Victor was adopted. I made a Facebook page so that I could post pictures of my baby without annoying all my friends. I didn't want to become one of those "moms" haha. My followers were mainly going to be friends and acquaintances, so the page was entirely in Danish. As you can see in the top picture, the title was "Vild med Victor - det døve lille spektakel". Which translate to something like "Crazy about Victor - the little deaf noisemaker".
Bilingual site and a new baby girl
I was quite happy with my Danish title but then I started to gain non-Danish followers. So I started to write updates in both English and Danish. I also wanted to change the title but Facebook didn't offer this feature in Denmark back then. Then 5 months later we adopted Ronja and now I really needed to change the title to include her as well.
New name and new media
When the option finally came to Denmark I simply went with Ronja & Victor. However I am not known for keeping it short, so I wanted the word "deaf" in the title, so people could find us on that note. So it ended up being "Ronja & Victor - my little deaf darlings".
After a year or so we got an Instagram account and to ease things, I simply chose the username "deaf_darlings". I started a YouTube channel and called it deaf darlings as well. Then I made a website and really committed to the name by choosing www.deafdarlings.dk/en as my domain. So they go by the name !deaf darlings" in the online world now. And suddenly the Facebook page that started it all, was the only place that didn't have a matching name. So I figured I should really name it Deaf Darlings as well.
We mustn't forget our furry friends
However my social media accounts are no longer reserved for just Ronja and Victor. They are the stars of the show, but we've had our TNR Little Poul for a year now and our next one Tommy is starting to take up room here as well. Then there's Trilly from a cat shelter in Rome who we adopted from a distance this spring. And let's not forget all the darling cats at the shelter I volunteer at, that I share with you on Facebook as well. So with all the ferals and strays popping up on our page, I don't think the space is only about the deaf darlings. Hence our new Facebook name is now Deaf Darlings & Friends.
We'll see how long that title lasts, haha. This pretty lady enjoying some catio time was a shelter cat named Møn who was very dear to me and sadly got very ill. I'd like to think she's part of the Deaf Darling family though, cause she still has a place in my heart. So she is one of our many friends.
Do you follow?
This picture was taken on a Sunday morning with my laptop. I was in the middle of writing this blog post and of course editor in chief Victor had to approve it. He always joins me when big decisions about his media presence is to be made. Excuse the jammies and morning hair. You should be used to seeing me like this by now.
If you have followed us way back from the original Danish titled Facebook page; Thank you so much! If you are new to this completely sane catlady's site: welcome on board this crazy kitty ride!